Today in the October 5th New York Times there was a wonderful article published about the success of a small business called MailChimp and how they accomplished this while taking the road less traveled. According to the article there are two ways to create a business. The first is the typical way a business gets started; a young entrepreneur comes up with an innovative idea, next is the creation of a prototype along with participating in a start-up boot camp. This then leads to small investors hopping on board; which leads to the creation of a Kickstarter. If everything works out and the product is successful it’s time for the founders to enter the haphazard mode called expansion. This usually translates to selling off the company piece by piece for huge chunks of money from venture capitalists. Then, once a few years have passed, if all goes well, the founders hit it big time and then BANG their set. The second and less well known option is just ...
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