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Passwords for Cybersecurity: How good is your memory?

Updating best practices for managing cyber risks.

I sure hope that the engineers and design managers who design the security protocols for the various systems that I use pay attention to the work of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)’s Trusted Identities Group.  Specifically, I pray that they will heed the recommendations in June 2017 release of new Digital Identity Guidelines, Authentication and Lifecycle Management (NIST Special Publication 800-63B), section 10.2.1 Memorized Secrets.  “Memorized secrets” are “commonly referred to as a password or PIN.”  By following these recommendations, software security folks stand to make my digital life easier and, apparently, more secure. 

Complexity does not solve all problems.  Usability matters.
For many years I worked for an organization that rigorously enforces computer security:  regular change of complex passwords, shut down desktop and laptop computers every night, no using other’s computers or IDs, regular security training, firewalls, screening software, plus an unknowable number of behind-the-scenes processes.  Absolutely no writing down of passwords.  I ultimately developed a partially-random scheme to remember the ever-changing passwords, although things got easier when various systems were “knit” together so as to need fewer independent log-ins. 

Then one day, we were given encrypted USB (aka “thumb” or “memory”) drives.  These small, secure storage devices made traveling with emergency contact lists and outside presentations easier.  The one drawback was that while permitting 10 or 12 attempts with the password, the cost of failure was absolute:  there were no backdoors, no hints.  Too many mis-entered passwords led to self destruction.  The only recourse was to request a new encrypted thumb drive.  I went through three or four of these drives before deciding to use other approaches.  The “memory” stick appellation became particularly ironic.  Relying on memory for something used infrequently was clearly problematic.

I seem able to retain about a half dozen frequently used passwords or PIN codes, but memory gets inconsistent after that:  Was the first or second character upper case?  Maybe both?  Was the number in the middle of the password string or at the end?  Or both?  Did the password include an ampersand (&), a carrot (^), or an equal sign (=)?  Or does this vendor prohibit non-alphanumeric characters?  And, if I can’t see my data input—to mask it from those looking over my shoulder (in my living room or office?)—I’m good for 4 or 5 characters.  But if the password looks like this “Wh4tT#3h3Ck” you can bet with confidence that I’m going to fat finger it and eventually be locked out.

Yes, secure online access to bank accounts, medical records, email, employer websites, and retailers accounts is convenient.  That is, until you get locked out or frustrated.  Does a small notebook at home listing IDs and passwords strengthen or weaken security?  Compare that risk with recording personally identifiable information (“PII”) such as social security numbers, drivers’ license numbers, mothers’ birth names, graduation years, birthdays, and first pets’ names on potentially hackable databases. 

This is where NIST’s new guidelines can help.  The “Usability Considerations” of section 10 recommend plain language instructions, options for alternative authentication, displayed rather than masked text during password or PIN entry, and simple composition rules (versus forced, mixed characters).  They recommend permitting many more characters so that longer but memorable passphrases can be entered.  The new guidelines also proposes that PINS and passwords not be changed at “arbitrary” fixed intervals—such as monthly or quarterly—but rather, in response to specific threats. 

The Wall Street Journal (August 8, 2017) quotes Paul Grassi, the NIST standards-and-technology advisor who led development of the new guidelines, as saying that the prior recommendations (now deeply imbedded in our digital lives) “actually had a negative impact on usability.”  The article also cites research suggesting that longer, more memorizable passwords may be significantly harder to break than shorter phrases filled with g0Bbled1go0k.  That’s “gobbledygook” translated into passcode.

Changing computer software has to be done carefully.  Changes to security, including authentication protocols, especially so.  NIST’s revised approach is new and so it will take some time—likely several years—for them to ripple through and be applied in the general marketplace.  But I sure hope that the security designers are listening.  The promise of making our digital lives easier and our data more secure has to be irresistible. 

Michele Braun, Director of the Institute for Managing Risk

Stay up to date.  Join the Institute for Managing Risk, the Women’s Leadership Institute, and our panel of experts on November 9 to discuss Cybersecurity: Readiness, Response, Recovery: Protecting Your Company’s Assets and Reputation.  More information and to register see  here.


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